There are a number of outdoor power tools that can make life a lot easier when it comes to back yard maintenance. Lawn mowers, chainsaws, leaf blowers, hedge and line trimmers are highly useful items needed to make your place look neat, tidy and a place you want to spend time in.
These tools are the sort of ones you buy and hang on to for a while in order to maximise your investment in them. For this reason it is recommended you get ones with the features and functionality that best fits your needs. It can be a good idea to get the same brands between tools in case you need to share a rechargeable battery. This is of course, assumes you use battery powered tools over corded (once I made the switch, I never looked back)!
To help you out, we’ve provided some guides on common outdoor tools with plans to add more to this collection.
Our Outdoor Power Tool Directory

How Are Chainsaw Bars Measured?
The bar on a chainsaw is the metal part that extends out from the body that the chain wraps around. However, just like all mechanical devices, sometimes the bar will have to be replaced. The good news is, there are easy ways to measure bar length.

How to Sharpen Chainsaw Blades
Feeling the power of that chainsaw in your hands has to be one of the most exhilarating things you will ever experience. Mostly it’s because

How to Cut Branches From a Tall Tree
If you love to spend time in the outdoors, particularly your own backyard, you may be wondering, how to cut branches from a tall tree.

Most Powerful Handheld Leaf Blower
When is it likely that you would need the most powerful handheld leaf blower? Well, picture this – it’s Fall, and you’re stuck at home,

What is The Best Chainsaw To Buy?
What is the best chainsaw to buy? The answer to this question depends on your needs, experience and budget. Chainsaws come in many sizes from